Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reading Response 1/5/12

I am currently reading The Superman Chronicles and I realized that even though this is a Comic book I can see that it has alot of fantasies but somehow it makes it seem possible because the main character Clark Kent is a news reporter for news papers so he always knows when there is trouble.
  One thing that I like about the story is that every time that you think that the other characters in the story are going to realize that Clark is Superman something happens.  It has a lot of suspense.
   For example one time Clark's friend was telling her boss that she saw Superman nobody believed her. That was also realistic because I wouldn't believe it either. So then His boss saw Clark and asked him what he thought about him and then clark just acted like if he didn't know him.
   I also realized that other characters in the story have no clue because one of the characters name Lois Lane is always calling Clark Kent a weak coward and other words like that, but when she talks about superman she says he is so strong.
  Thats why I think that even things with fantasy can be realistic.

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