Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reading Response 1/26/12

I am still reading the story Cold Fire and one thing that is good about this book that is the plot. I am starting to think that the main character has supernatural powers, because as I said before he can predict danger and save people's lives.
Right now a news reporter named Holly Thorne saw one of the scenes when James the main character save a kid from a truck. Then later on in the story she searches up his name and she found a record of the people that he has saved and she found out that he saved more than ten people in two months, and each of the people that he saved were all on different locations and different dates.
  There was also a variety of ways that the characters were going to die, it was a mixture for example like murder, drowning, and other things like that. I think this book is good, has action, suspense, and is realistic.

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