Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reading Response 1/26/12

I am still reading the story Cold Fire and one thing that is good about this book that is the plot. I am starting to think that the main character has supernatural powers, because as I said before he can predict danger and save people's lives.
Right now a news reporter named Holly Thorne saw one of the scenes when James the main character save a kid from a truck. Then later on in the story she searches up his name and she found a record of the people that he has saved and she found out that he saved more than ten people in two months, and each of the people that he saved were all on different locations and different dates.
  There was also a variety of ways that the characters were going to die, it was a mixture for example like murder, drowning, and other things like that. I think this book is good, has action, suspense, and is realistic.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reading Response 1/19/12

Currently I am reading Cold Fire by Dean Koontz. I like this story because of the intense moments it has. This story is about a person named James Ironheart who has the ability to sense danger and save lives. Most of the times he either has nightmares or just knows where to go to the danger. But most of the time he doesn't know who or what is the danger until he is close to it.
 And a news reporter named Holly is trying to look for information about him because after he saves lives he either leaves right away or says very little about him.
I like how the writer describes the sounds and how people look it is hard to just drop the book because I always am curious on what is going to happen next. I think that this book could be a little bit like Final Destination the movie. The only thing I see that differs from it is that the main character in Final Destination just helps his friends, but In Cold Fire Jim the main character goes to the danger and saves lives.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reading Response 1/12/12

I am currently reading Cold Fire by Dean Koontz. One reason I like this book is because it seems like a movie. It seems like a movie to me because it has good descriptions and a lot of action. One way that it shows action is by the pace the story is written. For example in one of the scenes in the beginning the main character James Ironheart was running at full speed because in the story he feels when danger is coming but he doesn't know exactly how it will happen. so while he was running full speed the book described every feature and all of the things that was going on. It reminded me of a scene in action movies that the show the main character running in slow motion.  The author Dean Koontz is very specific about everything that is going on. I think that it will be hard to find a moment this book that i didn't know what was going on. Right now I am on page 92 and I have no  idea what will happen in the future. This story also has a lot of suspense. These are the reasons that I like this book.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reading Response 1/5/12

I am currently reading The Superman Chronicles and I realized that even though this is a Comic book I can see that it has alot of fantasies but somehow it makes it seem possible because the main character Clark Kent is a news reporter for news papers so he always knows when there is trouble.
  One thing that I like about the story is that every time that you think that the other characters in the story are going to realize that Clark is Superman something happens.  It has a lot of suspense.
   For example one time Clark's friend was telling her boss that she saw Superman nobody believed her. That was also realistic because I wouldn't believe it either. So then His boss saw Clark and asked him what he thought about him and then clark just acted like if he didn't know him.
   I also realized that other characters in the story have no clue because one of the characters name Lois Lane is always calling Clark Kent a weak coward and other words like that, but when she talks about superman she says he is so strong.
  Thats why I think that even things with fantasy can be realistic.