Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reading response 3/22

The story I am number Four is really good. Right now John the main character and his dad were in big trouble because their enemies were about to kill them. The reason they were caught was because Henri John's "dad" was getting suspicious that people were getting information of his species, because he read an article of aliens. So he went to the place that writes it and got locked in. Then John asked his friend that has a car to drive him to the adress Henri went to. Then the humans were trying to lock John in to because the Mogadorians (John's enemies) warned them that if they saw them to capture them or they'll be killed. And the coincidence is that the day the humans captured John is the same day the Mogadorians arrived again. But the humans didnt tell the Mogadorians that they got captured and John escaped with his dad and his friend. This story has alot of actionit is one of the reasons that I like it.

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