Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reading response 3/22

The story I am number Four is really good. Right now John the main character and his dad were in big trouble because their enemies were about to kill them. The reason they were caught was because Henri John's "dad" was getting suspicious that people were getting information of his species, because he read an article of aliens. So he went to the place that writes it and got locked in. Then John asked his friend that has a car to drive him to the adress Henri went to. Then the humans were trying to lock John in to because the Mogadorians (John's enemies) warned them that if they saw them to capture them or they'll be killed. And the coincidence is that the day the humans captured John is the same day the Mogadorians arrived again. But the humans didnt tell the Mogadorians that they got captured and John escaped with his dad and his friend. This story has alot of actionit is one of the reasons that I like it.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Much A Do About Nothing

    In the play A much Ado About Nothing I liked many things about it like how they structured it out. For example in the night time the lights were dimmer and and in there was a circle on a wall that shows the mood for instance when it was a sad or bad mood the lighting was dark red or other dark colors. When it was a happy mood they would put bright lights. 
   Another thing that I liked was that the actors were very close to the audience and the actors were clear when they spoke. I also liked that the actors looked like how the people looked in the 1920's the men wore suits and the women wore dresses. Instead of the modern way that people dress. 
  These are the reasons that I liked the play A Much A Do About Nothing.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reading Response 3/15/12

I currently reading I Am Number 4 it is basically about a teenager and his guardian that came from a planet that was destroyed by another planet, and now those same people are tracking them down in earth. But the Mogadorians the aliens that destroyed their planet are trying to hunt every single alien from the planet that got destroyed. So far John the main character is always on the look because there were 9 of the aliens but they already killed 3 by order, now the main character knows he is next because he is number 4. John knows when the others died because he always gets a burn on his leg he has three now he knows he's next. Since John is an alien he has powers and his guardian is the person that raised him, and the person who is training him. Although Henri John's trainer is an alien but doesn't have any powers. The reason I like this book is because the action suspense and how in every chapter something new happens.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Romeo and Julliet Response

  When Romeo went to the party that he was convinced to go he mentioned it as a bad luck. I think that he was right and wrong, I think he was right because Juliet was at the party but he went to see the girl that he did like Rosaline. But the coincidental thing that happened was that he met Juliet and he completely forgot about Rosaline, and after he fell in love with her he found out that she was part of the Capulet family, the family that his family was rivaled with for many year. I think that if he did not go to this party he would have lived longer. So I do believe that going to the party was actually bad luck because they were also very young, But on the other hand it was also good for Romeo and Juliet to meet each other because if not Romeo would have kept on trying to make Rosaline  fall in love which she wasn't,and Juliet probably would have married Paris which she didn't love. So it was good that they met each other because they loved each other even though it was a short period of time.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Romeo and Juliet


I am reading Romeo and Juliet and I realized that there are many things involed in the story for example in act 1 scene 1 Gregory and Sampson servants of the Capulets Juliet's family do not like the Montague family. I know that the Montague and the Capulet family are rivals it's probably the reason Gregory and Sampson do not like them. Romeo doesn't know who Juliet is and he is in love with a girl named Rosaline. He doesn't know Juliet because of the family rivalry.