Wednesday, June 20, 2012

After reading Warriors don't cry I have noticed that when people are by themselves people actually dare to hurt others more than if the people were in groups. I think this is true because in the beginning of the story Melba the main character was running because she was being chased by a white man who she thinks wanted to rape her. If she was with somebody I think there would have been less of a chance.

Another reason I think this is true is because in the middle of the book a black student in the same school as melba named Minnijean was by himself and was getting bullied by a group of white people in his school, then the person that gets in trouble is him 1 beacuse he was alone and nobody was there to support him. 2. because he is an African American, racism was a big issue in those times. Minnijean was trying to defend himself but nobody could have backed him up even if they wanted to.

Another reason I believe this is because I have seen bullying in groups. For example even in an animal channel I saw a baby buffalo get attacked by a group of lions but when the bigger buffalo's came back the lions hurried off. Another thing related to this that I saw was in the karate kid the newer version. In the Karate Kid the other kids that knew karate were bullying the main character, and beating him up too. But when a karate teacher came and showed them a lesson they backed off.

This is why I think Warriors Don't Cry has to do with many things in real life like bullying in crowds.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

    My story Warriors don't Cry is about a girl that suffered alot of racism and she didn't lose her pride. For example the main character Melba went to school with almost everyone was white. They told her words like Negro and no blacks allowed. I think this is wrong because I don't think the people in the book would like it if they made racist comments about them. I have also experienced racism too in my life, and people sayng mean stuff.
Melba is a brave person because she knows that people will be willing to injure her. She reminds me alot of Martin Luther King Jr because they both wanted peace and they wanted everything to be equal. They got hit by many weapons and like Martin Luther King Jr she kept on fighting for what was right. This has alot to do with history because in the 50's and 60's it has been like the book with alot of racism.
 I have also experienced racism, I know that because I have been refered to as a hispanic and people saying things that were rude about my nationality by people who are not part of it. I think that this is also a part of bullying.